
Mrs.Oaks came to our room to talk about the new uniform policy and how it can be helpful to our school. The students didn’t like the idea of it. Some students were giving their own opinion about it . For me i didn’t like the idea my opinion was that by the way we dress express the way we feel about our selves.

I am a Reader! :)

During the summer i read 13 reasons why.

What i liked about that book was that it teaches a lesson about bullying, and how it can hurt someone.

my two main character’s were Hannah Baker and Clay Jensen

clay had memories of Hannah before she commited suicide ,Hannah was being cyber bullying


the book im reading now is the Giver

it talks about a dull strict town that have to follow the rules.My main character is Jonas ,hes exited for his 12 ceremony ,but yet he dont that his job is going to be the Reciver.