My book takes place in the future in a town where they are very strict with their rules .Elder are the ones who somewhat run that town . They give special jobs to the people.They have a ceremony for all the twelves .There’s going to be a twelve’s ceremony and one of my characters is going to be in that ceremony.

. My main character is named Jonas he’s about to be 12, in the book they consider it the twelve ceremony. his ceremony is going to be in December and there is when the Elders give him his future job. Jonas go to volunteer in different jobs to try them out. hes nervous about it.

Cell phone policy

Imagine being in social studies class struggling for an answer. You wish you could just pull out your phone to get the answer, but instead you just sit their struggling in the textbook.

Why can’t students  have their cell phones during school?  Why do they have leave them in their lockers?   Why not use them during school?

Cell phones can be really be  helpful during school hours. Some schools use technology such as Ipads, computers ,etc.  they are all blocked depending on the website or app. Some students stay after school activities and use their cell phones for special apps or for homework .They can also do their missing assignment for other classes when they have free time.  Some classrooms have a line to use the class phone and what if it is an emergency Students can contact their parents quickly.

Mr.Hoering  8th  grade language Arts supports the cell phone policy because he believes that some people may not own cell phones. He wants to be even with those you don’t have cell phones. Also The kids might get distracted easy with them during classes. Students will be sneaking into their phones logging into social media when there not supposed too. They can also be a case of cyber bullying.

The readers should take their phones with them to class in case of an emergency but have them put away when the teacher starts to teach to them

So next time you guys take your phone to class only use it in appropriate ti

Cell phone policy (rough draft)

Why can’t students  have their cell phones during school?  Why do they have leave them in their lockers?   Why not use them during school

Cell phones can be really be  helpful during school hours. Some schools use technology such as ipads, computers but they are all blocked depending on the website or app.

Mr.Hoering  8th  grade language Arts supports the cell phone policy because he believes that some people may not own cell phones. He wants to be even with those you don’t have cell phones. Also The kids might get distracted easy with them during classes